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篇名 Professional Farmer Shop: Providing a Variety of Safe Taiwan – produced Foods
卷期 3
作者 Hsin,Ku Chia
頁次 036-037
出刊日期 201603



Black tea is a specialty in Sun Moon Lake’s Yuchi Township (日月潭魚池 鄉), Nantou County (南投縣). Majia noodles and XO sauce are specialties of Kinmen (金門) and fragrant lotus flowers are a specialty of Baihe District (白河 區), Tainan City (台南市). However, it is not necessary for Taipei residents to travel around to buy agricultural specialty products from various regions of Taiwan. All they have to do is visit the Professional Farmer (農的傳人) shop of the Taipei Agricultural Products Marketing Corp. (台北農產運銷股份有限公司), where they can purchase agricultural specialty products from all over Taiwan that meet national standards. Thus, this is not only a place to purchase foods that are certified safe, but also to experience an overview of Taiwan’s agricultural products and culinary culture.


