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篇名 Nanmen Market + CKS Memorial Hall: Central Taipei Food Adventure
卷期 3
作者 Jin Kanglan
頁次 046-051
出刊日期 201603



Food has become a most enticing alternative attraction in Taipei. The beauty of the visuals reaches the retina with stimulation of the appetite, followed by the taste buds. People lose themselves, immersed in the experience, intoxicated. This, it can be said, is among the ultimate of many of life’s little joys experienced by the people of Taipei. Numerous local delicacies have achieved an international reputation, such as xiaolongbao (小籠包), mango shaved ice, and beef noodles. Each serves as a marketing tool for Taiwan tourism. In the city’s Zhongzheng and Daan districts are many wellknown shops, attracting foreign travelers in a steady stream. Choose a day, head out with an empty stomach, and engage in a deep exploration of this area’s delicious foods.


