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篇名 Design Capital Taipei 2016: Explosion of Activities Everywhere
卷期 3
作者 Eric Hu
頁次 054-059
出刊日期 201603



This year is Taipei’s year to formally serve as World Design Capital. After three years of hard work and laying of groundwork, design is not only being incorporated into local communities, but is also stepping out internationally. The microtransformation of landscapes and street corners has made Taipei a place of endless, pleasant surprises. International-class design-promotion exhibitions have attracted more people to view this city and its designs. From homes to food markets, communities, campuses, streets and city, each corner is a canvas for aesthetic creativity, none offlimits or restricted. This includes environmental beautification, incorporation of design thinking, improvement of service processes and innovation in public works. A freeranging array of activities – small such as classes, lectures, experiential activities, and design workshops and large such as forums, exhibitions, and public art installations – all are part of life in this city. Each brings appreciation for the value of design in everyday life, and a feeling for the city’s transformation.


