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篇名 論臺東深層海水中、小量取水工程之產業意義兼談二氧化氯在理療池消毒之應用
卷期 5:1
並列篇名 The Industry Meaning of Small and Median Intake Scale of Deep Sea Water and Also Using Chlorine Dioxide on Disinfecting Therapy Pool
作者 劉炯錫
頁次 091-102
關鍵字 用水量多重氧化劑鹵鹽電解water consumptionelectrolysishalide saltmulti-oxidant
出刊日期 201505
DOI 10.3966/222369612015050501005


在臺東縣政府5、6 年來的積極爭取下,行政院已於2006 年核定農業委員會 水產試驗所籌建的「國家水產生物種原庫—臺東支庫計畫」深層海水取水工 程,預計每日在知本溪口北岸抽取4,000 立方公尺、600 公尺以下的海水;並於 2007 年2 月選定知本溪南岸設置經濟部「深層海水低溫利用及多目標技術研發模 廠」,在知本溪口南岸每日抽取12,000 立方公尺、700 公尺以下的海水。但施工 至今仍未能穩定供水,明顯影響地方產業之進展。本研究從深層海水產業類別談 用水量需求,將小量用水定義為每日100 立方公尺以下、中量用水為100 ~ 1,000 立方公尺之間、大量用水為1,000 ~ 1 萬立方公尺間、巨量用水為1 萬立方公尺 以上,認為政府在知本溪口一帶仍無把握穩定提供巨量、大量用水,以發展水產 養殖、溫差發電、深層海水產業園區前,可由政府興設或獎勵企業在該地區投資 中、小量取水工程,且取水深度不必深達600 公尺,在200 公尺以下即可,降低 取水技術困難度,以先發達觀光理療、食品與藥妝、機能性飲料等產業。另配合 知本溫泉、大臺東觀光發展需求,深層海水鹵鹽產製以二氧化氯為主之多重氧化 劑可供理療池消毒使用,讓各飯店、健康中心等理療池的深層海水可重複使用, 以減輕運輸成本,讓深層海水理療成為臺東市郊可行的特色。


After Taitung County Government actively competing for about six years, the Executive Yuan of R.O.C. had approved the intake project for Taitung Branch of the National Marine Germplasm Center of Fisheries Research Institute of Agriculture Council during 2006, which would be located in the north shore of Chipen stream estuary and intake deep sea water (DSW) beneath 600 meters about 4000 m3 daily. Soon, the Executive Yuan selected south shore of Chipen stream estuary as the developmental mold factory of deep sea water for low temperature using and multiple technique of Economic Ministry, which would intake 12,000 m3 daily from beneath 700 meters. But both constructions do not stably offer DSW yet, and obviously slow down the industry progress. This paper discuss the needs of DSW volume from different industry categories, and define the scale of small requirements as below 100 m3, medium as 100 to 1,000 m3, large as 1,000 to 10,000 m3, and massive as above 10,000 m3. This paper suggest either the government itself or rewarding private sectors to build small or medium scale of DSW intake equipment to promote the SPA, foods, drugs, cosmetics, functional drinking etc. before they are confident about the massive and large intake engineering. For Chipen and Taitung urban are also popular tourist area, this paper suggest promoting DSW therapy pool as the local characteristic from reducing the transport cost by using DSW made multi-oxidizer ClO2 complex in disinfection.
