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篇名 創生與化生:從人類起源角度探究中西哲學之融合困境及其可能性——以「創世記」為視角
卷期 43:3=502
並列篇名 An Exploration of the Predicaments in and Possibilities of the Integration of Chinese and Western Philosophies —Discerning Creation from Evolution in the Origin of Human Beings Based on “the Book of Genesis”
作者 張永超
頁次 171-188
關鍵字 本體論創生化生思維方式Ontology/Ben ti lunCreationEvolutionthe Way of ThinkingA&HCI
出刊日期 201603




Heated debates over ontology between western philosophy and Chinese philosophy reflect typical predicaments facing these two philosophy systems, which hold different views regarding “the origin of human beings”—the intrinsic reason that leads to divergent ideas and communication difficulties. Western canons show that “the book of Genesis” serves as the foundation of the creation of human beings whereas “evolution” is the underscoring force driving the growth of the world and human beings. Creation and Evolution result in the fundamental differences that set western ways of thinking from those of the Chinese. Creation brings about subject-object dichotomy while evolution gives rise to oneness of heaven and man. Intrinsic divergences in ways of thinking cause predicaments when these two systems attempt to communicate and integrate. To overcome the difficulties, rationality might be the foundation that allows the cultivation of clear ways of thinking that distinguishes material matters from spiritual ones, thinking from existence and subjects from objects. The integration of western and Chinese philosophy systems, therefore, is not a process of westernization, but one that fulfills and perfects human nature. Hence, the integration is not only possible but also imperative.
