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篇名 國際恐怖主義發展與東南亞安全情勢的演化
卷期 13
並列篇名 The Development of International Terrorism and Its Implications on Southeast Asian Security Complex
作者 陳佩修
頁次 021-040
關鍵字 九一一恐怖主義反恐東南亞安全September 11TerrorismCounter-TerrorismSoutheast Asian Security
出刊日期 200601


自2001年911事件爆發後,全球安全情勢丕變,國際恐怖主義威脅與反 恐任務推動成為國際安全的迫切議題;新型態恐怖主義影響所及,區域安全情 勢亦發生重大變化。根據美國國務院2004年四月發布的《2003年全球恐怖主 義形勢報告》(Patterns of Global Terrorism—Annual Report/2003),自「911 事件」 發生後,全球面臨一種「反恐鬥爭」與「恐怖主義」同時升級的國際情勢,恐 怖活動範圍與反恐行動範圍同步擴大。 美國的反恐範圍從打擊阿富汗擴大到了中東、非洲和東亞,反恐目標從打 擊恐怖組織和恐怖分子擴大到了所謂「邪惡軸心」(Axis of Evils)國家;與此同時,恐怖主義的活動範圍亦同步擴大,從阿富汗到中東的伊拉克、葉門,再 到東南亞的泰國、印尼、菲律賓,構築成「恐怖新月地帶j (Crescent of Terrorism) ° 然而,面對此一攸關東亞區域穩定與安全形勢的演變,若干問題值得釐清 與思索:第一、這種國際恐怖主義的「據點轉移」究係是新型態恐怖主義的具 體策略,抑或只是美國反恐思維下對恐怖主義觀感的「焦點轉移」?第二、區 在域安全與國土安全的概念下,東南亞有哪些有利於國際恐怖主義活動發展的 因素?第三、當全球(美國)觀點將反恐議程聚焦東南亞之際,東南亞國家面 對投入反恐鬥爭與追求經濟發展的困境,可能的策略為何?


According to the '"Patterns of Global Terrorism - Annual Report/200455 launched by the US Department of States, the global society had witnessed the soaring of 'counter-terrorism5 and 'terrorism upgrading5 simultaneously since the 6 September 11’ in 2001. Followed the Middle-East, Southeast Asia has been the new target of international terrorism which introduced a forming iCCrescent of Terror.55 However, there are some critical questions deserve researchers5 rethinking. First, is the notion of 'locus shift5 an authentic strategy of international terrorism or just a fifocus shift5 of perspective towards international terrorism under the US counter-terrorism thinking? Second, based on the concept of regional and homeland security, what are the factors that benefit the development of international terrorism in the Southeast Asian region? Third, fixed on the hard choice between 'devoting counter-terrorism5 and 'pursuing economic growth5, what are the potential strategies of Southeast Asian states?
