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篇名 癌症有關失眠困擾照護之新概況
卷期 17
並列篇名 A new profile of nursing care for cancer-related insomnia distress
作者 黃秀月謝素英
頁次 111-126
關鍵字 癌症失眠3P失眠模式臨床處置認知行為治療Cancerinsomnia3P insomnia modelclinical interventioncognitive-behavior treatment
出刊日期 201512




Insomnia is a very common symptom distress in cancer patients, but it was rarely paid great attention by the medical and nursing staff previously. The prevalence of insomnia is around 30-50% in diverse types of cancer patients and is 20% higher than the general people. Studies show that 36.9-58.7% of cancer patients still have insomnia one year after cancer diagnosis. Thus, insomnia of cancer patients can become chronic insomnia. However, insomnia not only affect the payment of medical cost, re-admission rate, caregivers’ stress burden, and disease process progression, but also decrease the quality of life in cancer patients. Conversely, while cancer patients obtain efficient sleep, their stress and cortisol levels decrease. Thus, their immune system will reactive that can slow down disease progression and enhance quality of life. However, this article describes the definition and classification, pathophysiological mechanisms, etiology, nursing assessment, clinical intervention, and related studies. Hopefully, this article can cause nursing staffs to pay attention to this issue and assess and manage this distress for promoting quality of life in cancer patients.
