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篇名 2015年亞洲殯葬大會會後參訪上篇-上海
卷期 33
並列篇名 AFE Post Mission Trip 2015–Shanghai, East China
頁次 100-105
出刊日期 201512




Everyone was filled with anticipation when we headed to the airport bounded for Shanghai, East China for the Asia Funeral Expo (AFE) Post Mission trip. How does a country so big with 1.35 billion of population, and having such rapid progress handle the death of its citizens? And how do they handle the transition from traditional to modern funeral practices? In East China, the population is 384,364,968 (2010) and in the city of Shanghai, there are about 120,000 deaths annually. Shanghai is one of the cities that was very successful in complying with the new campaign and radical reform of funeral rituals launched in 1950s; the which see more fresh flowers or candles being offered than burning of paper products, abolition of traditional mourning clothes to just a black armband and secularisation of the funeral ceremony.

