
經濟研究 EconLitTSSCI

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篇名 高溫熱浪衝擊下之電力風險管理與調適因應分析
卷期 52:1
並列篇名 Heat Wave Risk Management and Adaptation Action for the Taiwan’s Electricity Sector
作者 王京明邱齡慧
頁次 001-037
關鍵字 氣候暖化熱浪調適決策隨機成本效益分析Global WarmingHeat WaveAdaptation DecisionsStochastic Cost and Benefit AnalysisEconLitTSSCI
出刊日期 201601




The rise in global mean temperature has been accompanied by changes in the extreme weather and climate variability. Implementing adaptation action plans in various sectors is currently one of the top priorities for Taiwan’s governmental policy agenda to fight the negative impacts from climate change. The electricity sector plays a key role for the energy industry’s climate adaptation. A risk assessment of the impact from climate change on Taiwan’s electricity system identifies that heat wave events from climate warming are the major risks. How to cope with the possible impacts of these extreme events and prepare appropriate adaptation is a necessary and urgent task for a utility company. This study identifies and analyzes the risk from heat wave events and formulates appropriate actions for heat wave risk management adaptation for this sector. We adopt the framework of decision making under risk and uncertainty and carry out a stochastic cost and benefit analysis for heat wave risk management. Current and future impacts of weather and climate change on power sectors are prioritized by a multi-criteria analysis to assess the vulnerability of Taiwan’s power system. Appropriate adaptation actions for the electricity sector are presented herein. Finally, we streamline our heat wave adaptation actions into the risk management of the governmentrun utility company, Taipower. Our study contributes significantly to risk reduction on the heat wave impact of climate change and to the design of adaptation actions for Taiwan’s electricity sector.
