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篇名 以色彩喜好作業探索偏好與視線軌跡的關係
卷期 25
並列篇名 Exploring Relationship between Color Preference and Scanpath
作者 唐大崙李天任蔡政旻
頁次 055-079
關鍵字 色彩喜好眼球追蹤凝視時間凝視次數Color preferenceEye trackingFixation countsFixation time
出刊日期 200601


研究首次嘗試分析受測者觀看喜好之彩色商品時,其視線軌跡與 色彩喜好本身是否有關聯。測量的依變項包含凝視點個數、總凝視時 間、返回凝視次數與喜好程度,採用8 種主色相分別塗到七種商品 上,同一種商品的八種顏色同時呈現,令被試觀看這些刺激材料的同 時,記錄其眼球運動軌跡,事後再要求依色彩喜好程度排序。結果顯 示,越受喜愛的彩色商品,其被凝視之時間、次數與視線返回次數越 高。這不只表示視線軌跡可反映內在喜好程度,也建立另一種客觀測 量喜好程度的典範,文末也討論此類研究對廣告研究的意義。


In the past century, most studies about measuring color preference used subjective rating methods, such as survey or pair-comparison procedure. This study adopted eye-tracking experimental method to explore the relationship between color preference and characteristics of scan-path. We presented 7 objects sequentially, each object had 8 NCS primary colors, and asked the subjects for browsing each presentation within 5 seconds. At the same time, we calculated numbers of fixation, total fixation time, and return of fixation from the scanpath. After presentations finished, the subjects be asked for rating the color preference order of each colorful object. Results from MANOVA showed that, the fixation time, fixation counts and return counts were significantly different between the most prefer colors and the least prefer colors. These results implied that we can measure color preference more objectively by this eye-tracking paradigm.
