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篇名 依附理論於青少年諮商中的應用
卷期 264
並列篇名 Implications of Attachment Theory in Adolescent Counseling
作者 王櫻芬黃瑛琪朱芬瑤
頁次 052-069
關鍵字 依附理論青少年諮商諮商策略attachment theoryadolescent counselingcounseling strategies
出刊日期 201604
DOI 10.3966/168063602016040264004




Since the attachment theory was proposed by John Bowlby in 1950s, researchers and practitioners have been drawn attention to the tenets of this theory. There have been numerous studies examining the nature of individuals’ attachment, impacts of attachment on psychological disturbance, and implications of this theory on psychotherapy. Findings of research in the past twenty years are abundant. However, there are still few discussions on applying this theory in adolescent counseling in Taiwan. The purpose of this article is to provide brief review of attachment theory, summarize current literature on the relationships between adolescent attachment and psychological variables, finally, implications of this theory for adolescent counseling.
