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篇名 運用組合式照護於老年人中風後合併肺炎之護理經驗
卷期 27:1=93
並列篇名 Nursing Experience of Applying Bundle Care in an Elderly Patient with Pneumonia after Stroke
作者 許鈺絹戴秀好
頁次 112-121
關鍵字 組合式照護老年人中風肺炎bundle careelderlystrokepneumonia
出刊日期 201603
DOI 10.3966/102673012016032701011


本文為中風後長期臥床安置於養護機構之老年患者,因肺炎入院。護理期間為2013 年3 月 14 日至3 月30 日,運用身體評估、觀察、與家屬會談進行護理評估,依健康問題之優先次序, 分別為「呼吸道清除功能失效」、「低效性呼吸型態」、「保護能力改變」、「焦慮」等,擬訂 護理計畫,並以組合式照護之概念(Bundle Care),實際應用胸腔物理治療做實證之輔助療法,提 高痰液清除,改善肺炎症狀並縮短住院天數。


This article described an elderly nursing-home resident in bedridden status after stroke was admitted due to pneumonia. Nursing care was provided during 14th to 30th of March, 2013. Information was collected through physical examination, observation, and interview with his family. The patient’s problems were ineffective airway clearance, ineffective breathing pattern, altered protection, and anxiety. With the concept of bundle care, we applied evidence-based chest physiotherapy, in order to improving sputum clearance and symptoms, thus shortening the length of hospital stay.
