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篇名 大學生在國際航班免稅商品之購買意願
卷期 491
並列篇名 Students’ Duty-free Purchase Willingness on International flights
作者 黃明一黃立璇鄒芷晴洪珮芝
頁次 027-042
關鍵字 免稅商品購買意願服務品質Duty-free goodsConsumer BehaviorService Quality
出刊日期 201603


在各國互通往來頻率提高的時代及跨國性經濟活動的快速發展之下,往來各國的旅客量增加,大 家對⾶航運輸的需求也相對的提升。⾃⻄元1978 年美國國會通過「航空解除管制法」後,開啟了美 國將近35 年的⾃由化航空並且帶動了全球許多國家「天空開放政策」的風潮,加速航空業的發展。 我國在⻄元1987 年跟上這股熱潮,宣布了「開放天空」的政策。入出境我國的旅客大幅增加,也促 使我國航空業的市場競爭日益激烈。 由於國際航線的擴充使得國際間來往活動的提升及旅客⼈數的成⻑,國⼈出國旅遊次數因此逐漸 頻繁,旅客的消費能力往往顯示在出國購物的消費金額上,除了旅遊景點的消費之外,旅客在⾶機上 的消費金額也不容小覷。 本研究以國際航班機上免稅品之消費者意願作為研究探討主題,藉由消費者購買行為的決策過 程、PZB 模式提出的有形性、可靠性、反應性、保證性、關懷性,五個構面所組成的SERVQUAL 服 務品質量表、消費者購買商品滿意度以及⼈口統計變項,以問卷方式加以分析,希望達成之目的為: (1) 空服員的服務品質是否會影響消費者的購買意願。(2) 探討消費者購買免稅品之資訊來源是否會影響 消費者購買意願。(3) 探討科技大學學生購買機上免稅品之考量因素為何。(4) 探討科技大學之學生 在機上購買免稅品之男女比例及其購買物品為何。


Under the rapid development of interoperability among countries, the increasing frequency of cross-border economic activities and the rising numbers of international travelers, demands for flight transport has considerably increased. Since the US Congress enacted the “Airline Deregulation Act” in 1978 which in turn opened the United States’ nearly 35-year Air Transport Liberalization and led the global wave of “open sky policy”, the development of the aviation industry has been strongly accelerated. To keep up with this trend, in 1987, Taiwan has announced the “open sky policy”. As a result, the number of tourists visiting the country or travelling abroad has substantially increased and consequently the nationwide market competition in the aviation industry become increasingly fierce. Along with this phenomenon, visitors’ consumption tends to increase be exhibited through their amount of consumption throughout their shopping abroad. Meanwhile, in addition to tourists’ consumption at the tourist attractions, their on-board consumption amount cannot be underestimated. This study aims to explore consumers’ purchase willingness toward duty-free goods on international flights. It utilizes consumer purchase behavior decision-making process, PZB five dimensions of SERVQUAL scale (i.e., tangible, reliability, responsiveness, assurance, empathy) and consumers’ goods purchase satisfaction as well as demographic variables. Through survey questionnaires and in-depth analyses, this study hopes to provide sufficient answers for the following questions (1) whether flight attendants’ service quality affect consumers’ purchase willingness, (2) whether duty-free goods consumers’ obtained sources of information influence their purchase intention, (3) the consideration of influential factors toward duty-free goods purchase of Technology University students, and (4) whether gender proportion of Technology University students affect their duty goods on-board purchase reasons and items.
