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篇名 台灣經濟奇蹟之詮釋架構:雁行理論
卷期 491
並列篇名 Interpretation Architecture of Taiwan's Economic Miracle: flying Geese Paradigm
作者 江和華
頁次 053-064
關鍵字 雁行理論產業發展模式台灣經濟發展Flying-geese-theoryDeveloping model of industryEconomic developing of Taiwan
出刊日期 201603




In the past, Taiwan had been favored with the effect of international division of labor and industrial transferring as proposed by the flying-geese-theory. In the sequence of time, the flying-geese-theory served as a good analytical framework to observe the track of Taiwanese economic development. It explained the course and connotation of Taiwan stepping into the Four Dragon of Asia. The viewpoint and explanatory framework of the flying-geese-theory adequately illustrated the development course of Taiwan from a war damaged land to an economic miracle. This paper studies the thesis and meaning, and restriction of the flying-geese-theory. It discourses the relation between flying-geese-theory and Taiwan economy, and the prospective direction of Taiwan.
