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篇名 應用健康資訊科技於慢性腎臟病持續性照護之契機與反思
卷期 63:2
並列篇名 Using eHealth in the Continuity Care of Chronic Kidney Disease: Opportunities and Considerations
作者 陳俞琪張博論
頁次 012-018
關鍵字 健康資訊科技慢性腎臟病持續性照護資訊科技化健康識能eHealthchronic kidney diseasecontinuity careeHealth literacyMEDLINEScopusTSCI
出刊日期 201604
DOI 10.6224/JN.63.2.12




Kidney disease is a common complication of chronic diseases among adult and elderly populations. As early-stage chronic kidney disease (CKD) is asymptomatic, CKD patients are frequently unaware of their condition and fail to implement requisite self-care in a timely fashion. Furthermore, the shortage of case-management manpower and difficulties in follow-up have led to high incidence rates for CKD worldwide. Integrative and continuous care is key to preventing CKD. How to implement this care effectively is a challenge. However, innovative technologies, online information, and cloud technology are increasingly providing access to good-quality healthcare beyond the traditional limitations of time and location. This environment is not only increasing the participation of patients in their care and collaboration among healthcare team members but is also improving the continuity, accessibility, and promptness of care service in order to promote the effectiveness of disease management. While the primary aim of innovative technologies is to make healthcare more cost-effective, it is also causing disparities in healthcare. Within the high-tech e-healthcare system, the ability of patients to utilize these new services relates directly to their health behaviors and quality of care. Thus, emergent e-healthcare system services should be made as patient-centered as possible in order to maximize the benefits in terms of both cost and patient care. Furthermore, improving the eHealth literacy of patients is crucial to promoting innovative technology within healthcare services.
