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篇名 阿多諾論藝術的自律性
卷期 43:4=503
並列篇名 Adorno on the Autonomy of Art
作者 王尚文
頁次 077-090
關鍵字 批判理論人性(藝術)自律性(藝術)材質阿多諾藝術客體的優位AdornoAutonomy Critical TheoryHumanityMaterial Primacy of Art ObjectA&HCI
出刊日期 201604




“Autonomy of art” is emphasized in Western art since nineteenth century. The autonomy of art means: The development and existence of art should aim at beauty and art itself and not at the factors external to it, e.g. religious rituals, political propagandas or commercial profits. This thesis indicates artist’s freedom of creation and the objective independence of the existence of art work. The emphasis on the autonomy of art is always the core of Adorno’s aesthetics and philosophy of art. Some scholars, however, doubt the universalizability of this claim and Adorno’s insistence on it. This paper tries to indicate: Adorno’s claim on the autonomy of art, however, is not just a formal demand, but related to his philosophical stance, critique of Enlightenment and the promotion of humanity.
