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篇名 如何在全球化過程中重建中國哲學
卷期 43:4=503
並列篇名 On the Reconstruction of Chinese Philosophy in the Process of Globalization
作者 譚明冉傅永軍
頁次 181-194
關鍵字 中國哲學全球化儒家Chinese PhilosophyConfucianismGlobalizationA&HCI
出刊日期 201604




This essay explores the cultural crisis imposed on China in the process of globalization, analyzes the strong and weak points of previous views on the reconstruction of Chinese culture, and then proposes its own approaches. It insists that the spread of Western industrialization has resulted in the extinction of both biological species and cultural diversity. In order to preserve more options for future generations, it is necessary to promote multiculturalism and reconstruct Chinese and Indian civilizations. Despite its awkwardness in front of industrialization, Chinese culture, with its emphasis on interpersonal harmony and naturalness, in turn becomes the remedy for healing the ruthless and greedy conquest of modernization on nature and society. The essay goes on indicating that Chinese philosophy is different from western philosophy in essence, and Chinese scholars should recover their confidence in Chinese philosophy and disillusion themselves from taking western philosophy as their standard or paradigm. They should take western philosophy as a reference for the construction of Chinese philosophy, assimilate its good points by the method of “meaning match /geyi”. At the same time, Chinese people should gain a voice to propagate Chinese value in front of western cultural dominance, and convince the global citizens the social and natural harmony that Confucianism and Daoism will incur.
