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篇名 Monster, Goddess or Woman? The Transformations of Medea
卷期 2011
作者 Carol Fisher Sorgenfrei
頁次 001-025
出刊日期 201206



The myth of Medea has fascinated and repelled for thousands of years. The mystery of how a mother could murder her own children in order to gain revenge against their faithless father has been tackled from many angles, and in recent years has been fodder for sociologists, criminologists, psychologists, feminists and philosophers. Yet Euripides’ version of the myth -the version most well-known today - contains a second and even more controversial mystery. Quite simply put, Euripides’ ending demands an answer to the following question: how could the gods send down a dragon-drawn chariot to rescue a woman who murdered her own children? Surely this ending opens avenues of interpretation regarding the play’s true meaning that go far beyond the simple question of the limits of revenge. Such avenues lead us to consider complex, difficult and often uncomfortable thoughts about the gods, the nature of the universe, and the role of humanity.

