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篇名 成人水痘肺炎合併急性呼吸衰竭-病例報告及文獻回顧
卷期 23:2
並列篇名 Adult Varicella Pneumonia Complicated with Acute Respiratory Failure - A Case Report and Literature Review
作者 楊清鎮黃奎彰阮祺文
頁次 111-119
關鍵字 成人水痘肺炎急性呼吸衰竭acycloviradult varicella pneumoniaacute respiratory failureTSCI
出刊日期 201604


水痘通常發生於孩童,被認為是溫和的傳染病且會自我痊癒,但臨床上可能遇到因併 發症死亡的個案,成人水痘最常見的併發症為肺炎。一位三十五歲男性病患於入院五天 前,從臉部、頭皮開始起紅疹,漸漸蔓延至頸部、軀幹、四肢,且合併高燒,之後皮疹水 疱及膿疱新舊雜陳。入院二天前開始有咳嗽及呼吸不適等症狀,就醫後經胸部X光發現有肺 炎,隨後轉院但病情仍持續惡化至急性呼吸衰竭。胸部X光顯示在右肺及左下肺葉有網狀般 小結節瀰漫性浸潤,雖然給予病患積極的藥物治療 (acyclovir及廣效性抗生素等) 與氣管內 插管呼吸器維生,但仍合併多器官衰竭 (急性呼吸衰竭、瀰漫性血管內凝集症候群、肝腎 衰竭)而死亡。明瞭成人水痘肺炎的危險因子及如何治療預防如此嚴重的併發症是本文章所 探討的重點。


Varicella (chickenpox) mostly occurs in children and it is usually considered as a mildly contagious disease. However, varicella may progress rapidly towards fetal complications, such as pneumonia which is most common in adults. A 35-year-old man developed multiple maculovesicular lesions from face, scalp to neck, trunk and limbs since five days prior to this admission. The patient also had high fever simultaneously and his rashes became pustular and crusted gradually. Two days previously, he began to have cough, respiratory discomfort and he sought for medical treatment. He was then referred to hospitals because of pneumonia. Later, his clinical status deteriorated persistently and evolved into acute respiratory failure ultimately. Chest radiographs revealed reticulonodular infiltrates in right lung and left lower lobe. Finally, he died of multi-organ dysfunction syndrome (acute respiratory failure, disseminated intravascular coagulation, hepatic and renal failure) despite aggressive measures (such as acyclovir, broad-spectrum antibiotic and mechanical ventilation). The recognition of the potential risk factors about adult varicella pneumonia, earlier antiviral treatment and prevention from its consequential severe complications are very important.
