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篇名 日本橫濱市舞岡公園里山保育和永續農業 發展實踐的經驗探討
卷期 30:1
並列篇名 Satoyama Protection and Sustainable Agriculture: The Experience of Maioka Park of Yokohama in Japan
作者 陳章瑞
頁次 055-069
關鍵字 里山保護市民参與舞岡公園橫濱Satoyama ProtectionCitizen ParticipationMaioka ParkYokohama
出刊日期 201603
DOI 10.6542/EFNTU.2016.30(1).5


曰本自I960年代經歷都市化的快速發展,使得都市周邊綠地、農田大量被侵蝕與 佔據。近年來,普通市民逐漸成為各種里山保護活動的主角。里山保護運動促進了里山的 有效管理。本文以日本橫濱舞岡里山公園建設與管理為例,論述了市民參與在綠地保護中 的重要作用。本文提出為了保護里山,里山保護運動要在市民志願者、行政主體與當地居 民之間形成高效的協商協作機制。通過曰本横濱舞岡里山公園市民參與城市建設的實例, 市民參與環境保護的類型、特點和機制,做了初步考察研究,以此作為幫助本地推進市民 參與的他山之石。


With rapid urbanization in Japan after 1960sT, green areas and farmland surrounding the city have been largely eroded and occupied. Satoyama protection activities have promoted the effective management of Satoyama. This paper used the construction and management experience of Maioka Satoyama Park of Yokohama in Japan as a proxy and discussed the importance of the role of citizen participation in protection of green areas. This paper argued that in protecting Satoyama, building an effective mechanism of consultation cooperation among citizens/volunteers, administration and local residents is imperative. Based on the review of the case study of citizen participation of Maioka Satoyama Park of Yokohama in Japan, this study analyzes the categories, characteristics and mechanisms of the citizen participation and environment protection. These Japanese experiences could be used to inspire local citizen participation in urbanization and urban modernization.
