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篇名 交通汙染對溪頭森林環境影響之研究
卷期 30:1
並列篇名 Study on impact of traffic pollution on forest environment in Xitou
作者 曹崇銘蔡明哲蘇大成周崇光黃景祥吳章甫洪志遠
頁次 071-083
關鍵字 交通汙染森林環境溪頭懸浮微粒臭氧traffic pollutionforest environmentXitouaerosolozone
出刊日期 201603
DOI 10.6542/EFNTU.2016.30(1).6


交通污染對森林環境影響之研究在大氣及森林環境科學領域是非常重要的課题。 本研究目的是證明溪頭自然教育園區周休二日期間,交通污染物與森林環境之間的傳輸關 係,並利用環境監測車分析溪頭森林環境空氣品質。在溪頭三個不同海拔高度地點:天文 台(海拔1,780 m)、苗圃(1,170 m)和第一停車場(1,105 m)進行空氣品質監測比較,並且在溪 頭151號道路(989 m)進行車流量監測。結果顯示NO、N02、NOx、S02、CO、OySJPlVHO懸浮 微粒等污染物,在天文台、苗圃和第一停車場明顯的存在。隨著車流量增加在三個觀測點 的污染物濃度也隨著增加,特別是,在苗圃和第一停車場的CO、O2和PM10濃度有明顯地 隨著車流量增加而增加。這些污染物濃度增加及遞減與車流量增減有相同的變化趨勢。交 通污染物可被傳送至高海拔的天文台觀測站,顯示交通污染影響森林環境品質。交通污染 對溪頭森林環境的影響必須受到重視,未來須進一步尋求解決辦法。


Impact of traffic pollution in a forest environment is an important emerging area of atmospheric and environmental sciences. The purpose of this study was to demonstrate transfer relationship between the traffic pollution and forest environment during the two weekend days in Xitou. The monitoring car was used to investigate air quality of forest environment. Air quality of three different altitude sites was compared, which were observatory (alt. 1,780 m), nursery (alt. 1,170 m) and first parking area (alt. 1,105 m). In addition, traffic flow on Xitou No. 151 road (alt. 989 m) was counted. The results showed that traffic pollutants such as NO, NO , NOx, SO , CO, O3 and PM10 aerosol were found in the observatory, nursery and first parking area. Traffic flow increased with increasing pollutants in three observation sites. In particular, CO, O3 and PM10 concentrations in the nursery and parking area were significantly higher with increasing traffic flow. The traffic pollutants can transfer to the observatory in the high mountain, indicating forest environmental pollutants originating from traffic pollution. Impact of traffic pollution on a forest environment in Xitou must be taken seriously to seek solutions in the future.
