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篇名 遠距三高資訊管理平台
卷期 11:2
並列篇名 The Platform of Three Highs Information Management
作者 唐振瑶蔡育秀
頁次 111-115
關鍵字 雲端醫療三高openmrsandroid藍芽medical cloudthree highsbluetooth
出刊日期 201604


本研究結合OpenMRS與Android平台,以遠距醫療的概念,提供使用者三高 量測紀錄服務及專任醫師追蹤監測的資訊平台。使用者在家自行量測血壓、血糖 以及血脂後,以藍芽方式將量測資料儲存於行動裝置。再藉由無線網路將資料上 傳至雲端,讓醫師可隨時隨地透過網頁瀏覽、判讀及撰寫三高追蹤報告,達到遠 距照護,降低相關病症發生機率。


This study combined OpenMRS and mobile APP, implement the telemedicine. The platform providing user record three high measurement service, and providing physicians tracking information. User at home after measure blood pressure, blood sugar and cholesterol, this system will stored data in mobile by Bluetooth. With Wi-Fi or 3G can upload data to the cloud, so that the physician can anytime, anywhere build three high tracking report through a web . Reduce incidence of related disorders.
