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篇名 發展理論與世代論述—以戰後日本社會經驗為例
卷期 46:1
並列篇名 Development Theory and Generation Discourse: A Case Study of Postwar Japan’s Social Experience
作者 邵軒磊
頁次 035-064
關鍵字 population agingdiscoursedevelopment theoryEast Asian studiesgeneration theory世代論發展理論東亞研究高齡化論述
出刊日期 201501


The purpose of development theory is to predict future trends. Previous scholars have often used four paradigms to explain political trends in the 19th and 20th centuries, namely modernization theory, dependency theory, the East Asian model, and globalization theory. However, when focusing on problems specifically related to social change in Taiwan, such as changes to welfare, health insurance, economic structures, and population aging, several inappropriate changes can be observed in these development theories. Therefore, the author recommends applying generation theory, especially in which was originally proposed by Japanese scholars, to gain an alternative perspective. This article discusses the theoretical content of generation theory to analyze the theory from a discourse perspective by using Japanesemany generation styles. It contributes to the methodological approach of recent development theories and provides various explanations for social phenomena in Taiwan.


