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篇名 中級前期日本語新聞記事之閱讀教學法
卷期 48
並列篇名 Teaching Reading on Japanese Newspaper Articlesfor Pre-N2 Learners
作者 顏甄張世明
頁次 115-132
關鍵字 中級前期階段音讀法默讀法以音讀為主的默讀・音讀併用法Pre-N2 periodsilent readingread-aloud plus silent Reading
出刊日期 201603




According to related literature, Japanese basic and intermediate reading courses mainly adopt read-aloud and silent reading. However, Siozawa (1992) believed that reading comprehension might be hindered when foreign language learners adopt read-aloud only. He suggested that it was better to understand the articles before adopting read-aloud so that reading comprehension and reading ability could be increased. The current research was followed by Siozawa and other researchers. It aimed at investigating effective reading teaching on Japanese newspaper for pre-N2 learners. Learners were divided into two groups. Learners in group A adopted read-aloud plus silent reading while learners in group B adopted silent reading only. The current research investigated which teaching method of group A was more helpful for increasing reading ability and analyzed the possible reasons, but learners in group B have indicated that silent reading tend to drowse, as read-aloud were adopted additionally, the learning effect was expected to be improved. According to the result, both reading teaching methods had effective results in Japanese newspaper article reading for pre-N2 learners. However, read-aloud plus silent reading might have better effect.
