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篇名 民意與公共性:批判解讀台灣電視談話節目
卷期 79
並列篇名 Public Opinion and Public (Publics): A Critical Interpretation of Taiwan’s TV Call-in Programs
作者 楊意菁
頁次 001-047
關鍵字 民意公共/眾公共領域溝通談話叩應節目ScopusTSSCI
出刊日期 200404


電視談話節目近幾年來已成爲人們展現意見的最佳場域,但 談話性叩應(call-in)節目所呈現的民意現象卻又充滿著混沌不清 的面貌,換言之,談話性節目這類提供民眾互動的媒體究竟能不 能反映民意,一直是個不確定的問題。問題不確定的部分原因, 即在於人們對於民意概念的認識,經常忽略了民意的公共性意 涵,以及其與媒體再現之間的關連性,以致於在探討談話性叩應 節目的民意現象時,經常出現模稜兩可的答案。鑑於此,本論文 首先將釐清民意的「公共J意涵,亦即從公共/眾的角度探討民 意的概念,並且説明媒體呈現民意公共性之間的問題。此外,本 文亦將以文本分析的方式,實際應用民意公共性的概念來分析電 視談話節目<2100全民開講> 所呈現的民意形式與公共意涵。


TV call-in programs have become the best space for representing people’s opinions in recent years. This phenomenon of public opinion originating from TV call-in programs is filled with chaos. That is to say, whether the call-in program that carries technology progress (interaction) can reflect the essence of public opinion and democracy or not is always an uncertainlauestion. One of the reasons is that people often ignore discussing the meaning of public opinion from the point of view of the “public” when they face public opinion issues of TV call-in programs. Therefore, the first purpose of this study aims to explore the essence of “public” in public opinion and explains the relationship between public opinion and media representation. This paper also uses the above-mentioned concepts (public of public opinion) to analyze TV call-in discussion programs (2100 全民開講), and then expl's the real meaning of “public opinion”(public, public sphere,and coir^iunication) presented from call-in programs.
