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篇名 清末革命派對王船山政治思想的採借與轉化
卷期 43:6=505
並列篇名 The Borrowing and Transformation of Wang Chuanshan’s Political Thought by Revolutionaries in the Late Qing Dynasty
作者 彭傳華秦越存
頁次 021-038
關鍵字 革命派王船山政治思想採借轉化Revolutionist PartyWang ChuanshanPolitical ThoughtBorrowingTransformationA&HCI
出刊日期 201606




Since Wang Chuanshan’s political thought was a yeast for the modern transition of Chinese political thought and one of the important indigenous ideological resources which politicians in the late Ming and early Qing Dynasty used for the integration and transformation of the western modern political thought, the three major types of Revolutionaries including Revolution theorists, Revolution advocates and Revolution practitioners all integrated Chuanshan’s theories of topography, of habits 習氣說, of benevolence, of human rights and of nationalism with western ideas of anthropology, humanism, democratism and nationalism, and then made further transformation of them so that the construction, publicity and actual practice of the Revolutionaries’ theories of revolution were accomplished, which further contributed to the success of the cause of Guangfu (the regaining of power by the Hans) and to the foundation of the Republic of China. The dissertation is aimed at presenting the active interaction between the Yili thought in the early Qing and that in the late Qing Dynasty, and at highlighting the profound theme of the tranformation of the Yili thought of Qing Dynasty.
