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篇名 清代儒學價值體系之嬗變
卷期 43:6=505
並列篇名 The Transformation in the Value System of Confucianism in the Qing Dynasty
作者 汪惠娟
頁次 077-092
關鍵字 明清實學氣化性情才達情遂欲能知故善欲由欲寡Ming-Ching PragmatismNatureFeelingTalentSetiment and DesireTaking Knowledge as GoodnessA&HCI
出刊日期 201606




The cultural tradition of China was always oriented toward morality, focusing on the inquiry of one’s moral mind-nature and manifesting in the form of metaphysical speculation. Such an academic pattern had directed China for almost a thousand years until the turn between the Ming and Qing Dynasties, when the political and economic society changed structurally along with the change of time, and the old thought pattern and value system could no longer resolve the issues with the changing society. Thus, the value system concerned with the public and the positivistic academic pattern replaced the ones as demanded by the new situation and appropriate timing. Ming-Qing pragmatism became a new academic climax after Neo-Confucianism, breaking out of the ubiquitous confines of Neo-Confucianism and getting loose of the old rules, old tradition and old concepts. It is fair to say that Ming-Qing pragmatism was the bridge between the tradition and thought of old China and the new thought. This article is to examine Ming-Qing pragmatism from the perspectives of metaphysical ontology and the mind-nature theory to see the changes in the value system of Confucianism during the turn between the Ming and Qing Dynasties.
