
東吳中文學報 THCI

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篇名 論中西孔子天命觀重要思想型態的當代詮釋
卷期 31
並列篇名 A study of modern interpretations of Confucian perspective on destiny and mandate from heaven
作者 羅雅純
頁次 001-032
關鍵字 天命觀東西哲學孔子義命分立義命合一牟宗三唐君毅勞思光芬格萊特葛瑞漢郝大維安樂哲perspective on destiny and mandate from heaveneastern and western philosophyConfuciusjustice and fateMou ZongsanTang JunyiLao Sze-KwangFingaretteAngus C. GrahamDavid L. HallRoger T. AmesTHCI
出刊日期 201605


廿一世紀的當代,孔子思想再度被西方哲學界關注並賦予新意,西方哲學之 討論現象,也是當今研究亦不可忽視的重要參照。本文以「孔子天命觀」為研究 主題,探討當代重要詮釋分歧的思想型態,探究孔子論天人關係是「義命分立」? 亦是「義命合一」?試予就當代詮釋解讀上的差異,通過差異逼顯出問題意識: 即在於追問何以造成這涇渭分明又迥然不同的理解。 因此,研究進路之開展,首先即就前輩學者勞思光的論述觀點談起,再援引 唐君毅、牟宗三詮釋脈絡做對比,透過核心觀念展開哲學語境的分析,探源詮釋 背後的理論差異進行第二序研究。其次,進一步提出(美)芬格萊特(Fingarette)、 (英)葛瑞漢(Angus C. Graham)、(美)郝大維(David L. Hall)、安樂哲(Roger T. Ames)的哲理新詮,對當代中西孔子天命觀思想型態的詮釋做一省察,期能 透過中西對話的比較視域,以收如切如磋,如琢如磨的成果之效。


In 21th century, Confucian philosophy is explored and explained again by western philosophers. These modern interpretations of Confucianism are significant references for people majoring in this topic. Based on Confucian doctrines, this paper discusses the similarities and differences among these modern interpretations of justice and fate. What is the relationship between justice and fate in Confucius mind, independent or blended? We’ll conclude the paths to these two completely opposite explanations. In order to achieve the goal, the author started from the theory of Lao Sze-Kwang followed by expositions from Tang Junyi and Mou Zongsan. The author also reviewed the theories of western philosophers such as Herbert Fingarette, Angus C. Graham, David L. Hall and Roger T. Ames. Analytical foundations are gradually established by investigating principles proposed by these scholars. Through comprehensive understandings and comparisons of eastern and western philosophies, the author hopes to deliver the outlook of Confucian perspective on destiny and mandate from heaven.
