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篇名 明清所編總集造成的漢魏六朝文本變異--拼接插入的處理手法及其方法論反省
卷期 34:1
並列篇名 Textual Variation in the Han, Wei and Six Dynasties General Collections Edited by Ming and Qing Scholars
作者 林曉光
頁次 309-335
關鍵字 中世文本文紀七十二家集漢魏六朝百三名家集全上古三代秦漢三國六朝文Medieval textsWenji 文紀Qishier jia ji 七十二家集Han- Wei-Liuchao baisan mingjia ji 漢魏六朝百三名家集Quan shanggu Sandai Qin-Han Sanguo Liuchao wen 全上古三代秦 漢三國六朝文MEDLINETHCI
出刊日期 201603




The scattered texts of the Han, Wei and Six Dynasties literature were preserved in medieval encyclopedias 類書, history books 史書, and ancient commentaries. These texts were gradually collected and compiled into large general anthologies 總集 by Ming and Qing scholars. In the process of collating pre-Tang literature, scholars developed a set of specific techniques, such as splicing together different parts of the same text scattered in several different documentary sources, or inserting one text into another. The resulting texts were thus in essence joint compositions by Ming and Qing scholars and Six Dynasties authors. The anthologies they compiled contain a large number of non-Six Dynasties texts, which can potentially create false impressions and misunderstandings, making them unreliable sources for research. At the same time, the remaking by later scholars of texts of an earlier period through a process of collation is itself a cultural-historical phenomenon worthy of attention. The medieval literature we read today is not only the creation of medieval times, but also the work of scholars down the ages. It is necessary to go back and re-examine the complex process of the collation and formation of Han, Wei and Six Dynasties literary texts to redress the hidden problems of pre-Tang literary research.
