
中國文哲研究集刊 CSSCITHCI

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篇名 《莊子》的養生哲學、倫理政治與主體轉化
卷期 47
並列篇名 Zhuangzi’s Health Cultivation Philosophy, Ethical Politics, and Transformation of the Subject
作者 賴錫三
頁次 049-090
關鍵字 Zhuangzihealth cultivationethicsemptinessroaming-transforming subjectTHCI
出刊日期 201509



Shouldn’t Zhuangzi’s thought on “health cultivation” become fashionable in an age when everyone is concerned with health? Can it inspire current waves of health cultivation in any way? Since I have long been concerned with new meanings of the classic Zhuangzi, I also hope to consider the possible contemporary meaning of Zhuangzi’s philosophy of health cultivation with regard to the special attention this issue has received from modern people. This study argues that the health cultivation philosophy of the Zhuangzi consists not only of the folk prescriptions of selfpreservation aimed at lengthening one’s lifespan, or techniques such as breathing guides. Zhuangzi’s health cultivation involves the complete conversion of the subject itself. The conversion of the subject is just as complex a task as that presented in the story of Chef Ding, who faces the complex structure and inner labyrinth of the large ox, which cannot be simplified or technically resolved. We can say that dealing with the health cultivation issue of the “subject (self)” is the same as handling the complex issues of coexistence between “the subject I” and the ethical politics and social culture of the world
