
都市與計劃 TSSCI

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篇名 臺灣地區縣市空間緊湊發展特性與交通運輸能耗關係之初探
卷期 43:2
並列篇名 A Research of the Urban Compactness and Transportation Energy Consumption
作者 張學聖王琪斐陳姿伶
頁次 115-141
關鍵字 緊湊都市交通運輸能耗擁擠成本Compact cityTransportation energy consumptionCrowded costTSSCI
出刊日期 201606
DOI 10.6128/CP.43.2.115




Compact city has been promoted by urban planning profession and been regarded as sustainable energy saving strategy. However, some studies refer energy over consuming to compact city strategy. This study investigated energy efficiency and consumption in the transportation sector and further address hypothesis of the potential impacts of compact city on urban transportation energy consumption in Taiwan cities and Kaohsiung townships. A curve estimation model is then used in regression analysis to explore the variation of urban compactness on transportation energy consumption.
Although high population density decrease total travel length, over dense urban environment results in crowded and further reduces driving speed and raises up travel time and parking cost, and the preference of transportation might not promote the usage on public transportation under high density situation. Additionally, the impact of mixed use on transportation energy consumption can be depicted as an inverted N type cube curve, which is implied that over mixed use will reduce travel amounts. Therefore, an energy-saving compact city must consider both compact city indicators and a set of transportation system indicators. In fact, the energy saving effect will be achieved by appropriate urban compactness and zero transportation crowded cost.
