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篇名 The Notion of Heaven in Original Confucianism and the Notion of God in Christianity—A Dialogue Based on Lonergan’s Understanding of Pluralism
卷期 43:7=506
並列篇名 以郎尼根的多元主義為基礎進行原始儒家天觀和 基督宗教天論的對話
作者 魏嘉華
頁次 177-193
關鍵字 Lonergan’s PluralismInterreligious DialogueOriginal ConfucianismChristianityNotion of Heaven/God郎尼根的多元主義宗教交談原始儒家基督宗教天觀A&HCI
出刊日期 201607




This paper first introduces the concept of pluralism in Lonergan’s thought. Lonergan argues that culture is plural. Every culture has a religion or religions. Religion is embedded in a culture. Thus, religion is plural. The recognition of plural cultures and religions provides a new way for interreligious dialogue. In other words, pluralism implies a new cultural world in which interreligious dialogue is understood as including inter-cultural dialogue. Secondly, the notion of Heaven in original Confucianism is investigated. It introduces Confucius’ nature of Heaven, care of Heaven, and the mandate of Heaven. Moreover, this paper explores the notion of God in Christianity. It discusses the creation and salvation in the Bible. Finally, the author focuses on four aspects: the attributions of Heaven/God, creation and sustaining power, love in the Bible and benevolence in original Confucianism, and the unity between Heaven and human beings to conduct a comparison between original Confucianism and Christianity.
