
中華體育 TSSCI

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篇名 2014 國際柔道規則的改變 對訓練與比賽的影響
卷期 30:2
並列篇名 The implication of modification of 2014 IJF refereeing and competition rules in training and competition
作者 蔡宗昌許正心沈志堅
頁次 129-136
關鍵字 國際柔道總會競賽規則柔道精神International Judo Federation competition rulesJudo spiritTSSCI
出刊日期 201606
DOI 10.3966/102473002016063002007


運動規則的訂定,是為了使比賽在公平、公正、公開的情況下舉行,同時也能夠讓比賽節奏緊湊、 刺激,兼具娛樂性,但是隨著時代變遷,比賽規則需要不斷修訂以符合時勢潮流。柔道比賽規則亦是 如此,但每次國際柔道總會 (International Judo Federation, IJF) 頒布修訂規則,許多國家為求比賽成 績,依循規則缺失,使得比賽具速度、力量,但缺乏柔道技術與精神的表現,使得比賽精采程度不復 以往。IJF 依循嘉納治五郎 「精力善用,自他共榮」之精神,並致力維護保存「柔道具正面之身、心 教育本質」以及健全永續發展柔道運動,2014 年修訂國際柔道競賽規則,期望能夠使比賽品質提升, 技術更為提升,並減少傷害發生。本文試圖將相關的新修正規則部分做深入淺出的探討、解析,希望 能提供國內教練、選手在體能訓練、技戰術及比賽等方面,重新思考擬訂合適的訓練方法及有效策略, 以展現精進的技能並獲得佳績。


The purpose of the implementation of competition rules is to held games with equity, justice, and publicity; also to make games more intense, exciting and entertaining. Rules have to be modified constantly with the change of time, so as to be in line with trends. So do Judo rules. However, whenever IJF issues modified rules, many countries, in order to achieve better results, would seek the lack of rules and compete in a speedy and powerful way, which is short of Judo technique and spirit and makes games not as exciting as before. In 2014, with the expectation of upgrading the quality and techniques and decreasing the injuries of Judo, IJF not only modified International Judo Competition Rules by the spirit Kano Jigoro "maximum efficient use of energy, mutual prosperity for self and others", but also committed itself to the promotion of Judo being a positive effect in physical and mental education and to the sustainable development of Judo. The purpose of the research is to analyze and investigate newly modified rules in a detailed yet a simple way. We hope national Judo coaches and players can rethink and remake appropriate training approaches along with effective strategies in the aspects of teaching, techniques, and competition so as to present fine skills and to gain better results.
