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篇名 Holding a Ladle of Clear Water, Cultivating an Acre of Lush Green Fields
卷期 4
頁次 001-001
出刊日期 201606



During these sweltering days of summer, heading to a countryside stream and dipping your feet into the cool waters while listening to the chirps and calls of frogs, insects, and birds is indeed a very pleasant experience! Taipei Mayor Wen-je Ko is promoting the Garden City initiative, bringing the countryside into the heart of the capital! e Garden City concept originated in the late 19th century. Based on environmental-protection, sustainability, and ecological ideas, cultivated edible landscapes on school campuses, rooops, and even pedestrian lanes create a break from the traditional images and boundaries associated with green spaces. Moreover, this has helped communities to transform unused neighborhood into farms, promoting a friendly urban-farm lifestyle.

