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篇名 The Place of Lively Drinking Games – Kanpai!
卷期 4
作者 Chiang Hsinying
頁次 038-042
出刊日期 201606



In the early ’90s, Japan was in the late stage of its bubble economy. Everything appeared to be flourishing, and ideals and dreams seemed only a step away. After finishing up for the day, colleagues would gather at their local yakiniku restaurant ( Japanese- style bar and grill). e senior members of the group harbored great ambition, and would indulge in loud and empty talk. e junior members of the group would raise their glasses in agreement, and would engage in uninhibited drinking. Mellowed by the alcohol, they would take turns encouraging each other to drink more, with toasts of “Drink! Drink! Drink!” Without regard for age, gender, or position, this was a competition of eating, drinking, and daring. Amidst the noise and excitement of a yakiniku restaurant in the Shibuya area of Tokyo, with its festive eating and drinking atmosphere, Soji Hiraide, CEO of the Kanpai Group (乾 杯集團), got his start.

