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篇名 Addictive Old-Time Eating, Beseeching Marriage at the City God Temple|Tasting Dadaocheng
卷期 4
作者 Du Jiaying
頁次 051-052
出刊日期 201606



After being in the bakery business for nearly 20 years, many people ask me about my favorite Western pastries and breads. For the answer, we must start from Taipei’s old Dadaocheng (大稻埕) community, established well over a century ago, and where I was born. is neighborhood is home to Taipei’s oldest Western restaurant, Bolero (波麗路西餐廳). My favorite breakfast since childhood is the ham sandwiches with thin egg layer made by Shuang Fu (雙福食品), which was opened 71 years ago. Then there’s my best-loved teatime snack, cheesecake, from Jia Fu (加福). ese opened up my taste buds to the West, and set me on the course to becoming a master pastry chef.

