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篇名 國小特教班低口語自閉症學生教學支援實施歷程之個案研究
卷期 14:2
並列篇名 A Case Study of the Implementation of Instructional Supports for Autism Elementary Student with Limited Oral Verbal Abilities
作者 李翠玲
頁次 086-099
關鍵字 教學支援自閉症個案研究Instructional supportsautismcase study
出刊日期 201606


特教班低口語自閉症學生由於溝通能力之低下而影響生活與課業學習,因此 急需教學支援。本研究旨在組成教學支援團隊入班協助個案學習,研究個案為特 教班自閉症學生,研究方法採用觀察、訪談與個案資料。研究主要發現教學支援 團隊協助的內容包括:(1)溝通需求評估與形成共識:教學支援團隊形成共識,針 對低口語自閉症個案決定以「打字溝通法」為教學支援重點;(2)擬定教學支援 方案:首先瞭解與測試溝通法可行性,接著擬定教學支援方案,述明支援方案的 內容,團員則必須參加相關專業研習,以利執行方案;(3)執行教學支援方案: 透過打字溝通法個案在功能性溝通的答對率達 100%,國語課文注音之正確率為 83.3%,顯示教學支援有其成效。本研究亦發現教學支援過程面對之困難包括教學 支援在教學現場與研究要求不同之困難與教師、家長與研究者間信念不同整合之 困難。最後,根據研究發現提出建議。


The students with limited verbal abilities influence their life and learning and this needs instructional supports. This study was aimed to organize a team of instructional supports to help the student with autism. The observations, interviews and the student’s data were used to collect data. The main results were found as: (1) Assessing communication needs and forming consensus: the team formed consensus and decided to use " Informative Pointing Method (IPM)" for instructional supports focus; (2) Developing instructional supports program: Firstly understanding and testing the effect of IPM, secondly developing an instructional support program. Meanwhile the team member was sent for improving the professional skills for IPM. (3) Implementing instructional supports program: the student used IPM in functional communication and the correct rate reached 100% and the Chinese phonetic accuracy of the text was 83.3%. It was obvious that the instructional supports were identified the effectiveness. The study also found that instructional supports in the face of difficulties, including the gap between the teaching practice and research needs as well as the diversity of the beliefs among teachers, parents and scholars. Finally, the suggestions were presented based on the findings.
