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篇名 不從眾的教材選用行動之自我探究
卷期 33
並列篇名 A Self-study on Nonconformity to Selecting Teaching Materials
作者 邱珮瑜洪志成
頁次 067-106
關鍵字 教材選用審定本教材實務原則selection of teaching materialcertificated materialprinciple of practice
出刊日期 201606


本研究旨在探究一位國小英語教師因為質疑審定本教材的教學合宜性,在教材選用取捨歷程中抗拒卻又猶豫的歷程。本研究採自我探究取向,回顧8 年的課程規劃與教學省思,並透過自我探究慣用的社群討論、辯證、對話當作信實度之參考。研究者在教材選用歷程中雖充滿焦慮, 甚至是罪惡感,卻也反映了教師專業自主的若干面向。研究者以在課室內直接面對學生的學習需求之實務經驗,嘗試另一種課程規劃及教材選用方式。在符應英語學習階梯的考量下,調整教材的選用順序。依序實 施字母課程、字母拼讀課程、單字課程,期許學生先獲取基礎能力;之後再回歸以審定本教材實施進階的文本課程。因為這場探究,研究者看清了自己的行動實務原則,也因此增長了教師專業勇氣。


This research was a self-study of a primary school English teacher who was discontent with the certificated instructional materials but dared not to refuse it due to the consistency of courses with other teachers. Eight-year teaching notes and curriculum plans of the teacher were analyzed. Dialogues and defenses in the critical friend circle reinforced reliability of research. Her senses of anxiety and guilt were exposed by investigating the selections of teaching materials. Nevertheless, several facets of teachers’ professional autonomy were displayed. Based on practical experiences by getting along with students in classroom, this study brought up another mode of curriculum plan and selection of teaching materials. According to the English learning ladder, the sequence of implementing teaching materials was altered. This study provided Letter-Phonics-Vocabulary curriculum to help students achieve fundamental competence. Then, certificated materials were selected as text materials for advanced learning. By discovering teachers’ principles of practice, this teacher expanded her’ professional courage.
