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篇名 南投縣信義鄕校園木本植物多樣性調查及分析
卷期 30:2
並列篇名 Diversity Investigation and Analysis of Woody Plants in Elementary Schools and High Schools of Shinyi Township, Nantou County
作者 楊智凱許淨淳劉威廷黃憶汝郭福麟吳采諭陳陽發
頁次 085-098
關鍵字 南投縣信義鄉校園植物原生植物引進栽培植物Nantou CountyShinyi TownshipCampus plantNative speciesCultivated species
出刊日期 201606
DOI 10.6542/EFNTU.2016.30(2).1


校園植物具有綠美化校園、物種保存、生態教育等功能。經調查結果得知南投縣 信義鄉所轄國民中小學共計19所, 校園木本植物共計有55科127屬173種, 包含蕨類植物2 種, 裸子植物14種, 雙子葉植物145種, 單子葉植物12種; 其中特有種為16種, 原生種為 57種, 歸化種為3種, 栽培種為97種。各校的木本植物以雙龍國小的種類最多, 共有49 種, 隆華國小最少, 僅6種。依植物在各校出現的總株數選出南投縣信義鄉校園常見的 10種木本植物為:山櫻花(Prunus campanulata)、桂花(Osmanthus fragrans)、大王椰 子(Roystonea regia)、楓香(Liquidambar formosana)、龍柏(Juniperus chinensis var. kaizuka)、榕樹(Ficus microcarpa)、臺灣肖楠(Calocedrus formosana)、側柏(Thuja orientalis)、金露花(Duranta repens)、檳榔(Areca catechu)。分析結果顯示信義鄉國 中小學校園木本植物總數量,以外來種的比率最高,約為57.8 %,非特有種之原生種比率 約為32.9 %,特有種比率僅約為9.2 %,為了達到推廣本土生態教育的目的,建議各校在栽 植木本植物時,應優先考慮臺灣特有種和原生種。


Plants in schools can beautify the campuses, conserve plant species and educate students. This study recorded 173 plant species from 19 elementary schools and high schools in the Shinyi Township, Nantou County. They belonged to 127 genera and 55 families comprising of 2 species of pteridophytes, 14 species of gymnosperms, 145 species of dicotyledons, and 12 species of monocotyledons. Of the 173 species, 16 species were endemic, 57 species were native, 3 species were naturalized, and 97 species were introduced. Among the 19 schools, Shang Long elementary school had the highest number of woody plant species (49), and Long Hua elementary school had the lowest (6). The more common woody plant species on the campuses were Prunus campanulata, Osmanthus fragrans, Roystonea regia, Liquidambar formosana, Juniperus chinensis var. kaizuka, Ficus microcarpa, Calocedrus formosana, Thuja orientalis, Duranta repens and Areca catechu. 52% of species were cultivated species, while native and endemic species accounted for 37% and 10%, respectively. Therefore, we suggest that more native and endemic species should be planted on these campuses in the future.
