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篇名 屏東平地造林地黯斑棕卷裙裳蛾對印度紫擅的危害評估
卷期 30:2
並列篇名 The Evaluation of Damage on Pterocarpus indicus Caused by Plecoptera reflexa in a Lowland Plantation of Pintung
作者 謝忠諺陳忠義葉信廷王亞男
頁次 109-118
關鍵字 森林昆蟲學植食昆蟲植食作用損葉量裳蛾科Forest entomologyPhytophagous insectHerbivoryDefoliationErebidae
出刊日期 201606
DOI 10.6542/EFNTU.2016.30(2).3


近年來屏東縣萬隆農場的平地造林地中, 有黯斑棕卷裙裳蛾(P l e c o p t e r a reflexa)大發生危害印度紫檀(Pterocarpus indicus)的情形。在2013年,本研究每月調查 造林地中印度紫檀的葉面積損失(leaf area loss, LAL) 比率, 發現於6月時達到最高峰 (31.9 %)。經由黯斑棕卷裙裳蛾幼蟲的飼育研究,幼蟲發育日數從2齡至6齡分別為3.5 ± 0.7日、4.0 ± 1.5日、5.4 ± 2.2日、4.5 ± 1.7日、4.2 ± 1.6日,蛹期為9.2 ± 1.0日,完整幼期發育 2 2 日數大於30.8日;第1至6齡幼蟲的食葉面積量分別為0.10 ± 0.16 cm 、0.41 ± 0.54 cm 、1.21 ± 1.15 cm2、4.47 ± 3.04 cm2、9.09 ± 2.48 cm2、27.20 ± 14.22 cm2,單隻幼蟲的幼期食葉量約為 42.48 cm2,推測黯斑棕卷裙裳蛾的4-6齡幼蟲為危害印度紫檀的主要時期,每年幼蟲大發 生情形可能與印度紫檀的展葉物候有關。另外調查試驗地中印度紫檀之樹冠幅及葉面積指 數(leaf area index, LAI),推算出每公頃印度紫檀的總葉面積,搭配葉面積損失比率的調 查結果,推估每公頃黯斑棕卷裙裳蛾可能的族群數量以及對印度紫檀碳吸存的影響。未來 應該廣泛調查臺灣各地印度紫檀被黯斑棕卷裙裳蛾危害的情形,並加強對黯斑棕卷裙裳蛾 生活史及印度紫檀物候學的研究,將可提供綜合蟲害管理防治策略的擬定參考。


In recent years, the outbreaks of Plecoptera reflexa larvae that feeds on the leaves of Pterocarpus indicus are found in the lowland plantation of Wan-Long farm, Pingtung County. The leaf area loss (LAL) of Pt. indicus was investigated monthly in 2013, and the result showed a maximum LAL of 31.9% in June. To determine the leaf-consumption (defoliation) and growth of Pl. reflexa larvae, we reared the larvae in the following condition: 27±1℃(day-time), 23±1℃(night-time) and day/ night length ratio= 13:11 in the laboratory. The developmental lengths of Pl. reflexa were 3.5±0.7, 4.0±1.5, 5.4±2.2, 4.5±1.7, and 4.2±1.6 days from the 2nd to 6th –instars, respectively, and the pupal stage lasted 9.2±1.0 days. The consumed leaf areas by a single Pl. reflexa larva were 0.10±0.16, 0.41±0.54, 1.21±1.15, 4.47±3.04, 9.09±2.48, and 27.20±14.22 cm2 for the 1st to 6th –instars, respectively. We found that the 4th to 6th -instar larvae caused serious damage on Pt. indicus, and the developmental time of Pl. reflexa larvae synchronized with leaf flushing of Pt. indicus in the first growth season in Wan-Long farm. The canopy and leaf area index (LAI) of a single Pt. indicus tree were investigated to estimate the total leaf area of Pt. indicus in the plantation. On the basis of total leaf area and LAL of Pt. indicus and defoliation by Pl. reflexa larvae, we estimated the population size of Pl. reflexa during the outbreaks and its potential impact on carbon sequestration of Pt. indicus.
