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篇名 屏東萬隆農場無患子之二氧化碳吸存潛力
卷期 30:2
並列篇名 The Carbon Sequestration Potential of Sapindus Mukorossi in the Wan-Long Farm, Pingtung
作者 陳忠義酈學文余瑞珠王亞男
頁次 119-126
關鍵字 光合作用速率氣體交換日變化氣孔導度Photosynthetic rateDiurnal gas exchangeStomatal conductance
出刊日期 201606
DOI 10.6542/EFNTU. 2016.30(2).4


本研究藉由每月量測屏東地區平地造林之無患子葉片氣體交換參數日變化,配合 光合作用光反應曲線的量測,計算出無患子造林木一年的二氧化碳吸存量,並探討影響無 患子光合作用的因子。結果顯示野外造林的環境使無患子光合作用速率下降,但以氣體交 換日變化來看並無明顯傷害,光合速率的下降主要是氣孔因素所導致,無患子在濕季時光 度與光合作用速率有顯著正相關。無患子2011年不同月份平均淨同化速率為1.18-9.10 μmol m- 2s- 1,全年單株吸存量為14.37 kgCO ,以試驗地無患子栽植密度每公頃1,440株換算,可 2 -1 -1 得無患子造林二氧化碳吸存量為20.70 Mg ha yr 。


This study was to estimate the carbon sequestration of Sapindus mukorossi by measuring diurnal leaf gas exchange parameters monthly and light response curve of photosynthesis. The results showed that the field condition might influence the photosynthetic rate of the plantation. The decrease in the photosynthetic rate of Sapindus mukorossi was caused by stomatal limitation. We found there was significant positive correlation between photosynthetic rate and light intensity in wet season. The mean monthly net assimilation rate of Sapindus mukorossi ranged from 1.18 to 9.10 μmol m-2s-1, while an individual tree sequestrated 14.37 kg CO in 2011 and the plantation of Sapindus mukorossi was estimated to sequestrate 20.70 2 Mg CO ha-1 yr-1.
