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篇名 以AHP 來探究國小教師對數學專業標準之看法
卷期 5:1
並列篇名 Based on AHP to Study on the Perspectives of Elementary School Teachers’ Mathematics Professional Standards
作者 郭光蓮
頁次 181-192
關鍵字 AHP群決策教師專業標準數學Analytic Hierarchy Process group decision makingteacher professional standardsmathematics
出刊日期 201603
DOI 10.6285/MIC.5(1).15




The elementary school teachers’ mathematics professional standards is an issue with integrity and obscurity.
With the applying of AHP (analytic hierarchy process) and mathematical modeling, the quality evaluation index system of elementary school teachers’ mathematics professional standards was built and the evaluation became quantitative.
According to literature review, we summarized three main aspects, eleven criteria and twenty-six detailed criteria, to measure the elementary school teachers’ mathematics professional standards. In this paper attempts to construct the critical factors in evaluating all aspects of the elementary school teachers’ mathematics professional standards, employ AHP method, and to establish a set of overall evaluation model of the elementary school teachers’ mathematics professional standards, and also provide a vastly improved foundation to the contributors and to provides elementary school teachers’ information based on evaluation aspects and weight of criteria in the evaluation frame.

