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篇名 現代民族管弦樂團笛子五線譜記譜法之探討
卷期 98=12:1
並列篇名 Chinese Tradition Orchestra Bamboo Flute Sheet Music Notation Of The Quest
作者 胡峻賢
頁次 285-314
關鍵字 中國民族管弦樂團國樂笛子五線譜移調譜Chinese Tradition orchestraChinese musicBamboo fluteStaveTransposition scoreTHCI
出刊日期 201604


國樂使用五線譜已經日漸普遍,其中的笛子與傳統唢吶都是屬於移調樂器,然而,使用固定 調記譜卻造成演奏者的困擾,如何建立適用的記譜已刻不容緩。本文說明笛子五線譜的使用現狀, 並從西洋移調的概念、功能、方法,導入各種中國笛子如何定調做為移調樂器,以及如何移調, 並以四首獨奏曲做為範例說明,希望完善民族管弦樂團的五線譜系統,提升國樂教育品質。


Use of the Western 5-line staff has become increasingly common in notation for Chinese instruments, among which, both bamboo flute and traditional suona belong to transposition instruments; however, using fixed-tone notation causes performer's problems. Therefore, how to establish a suitable notation has become essential. This article describes the status quo of using flute sheet music which is introduced to different kinds of bamboo flutes to set the tone as transposing instruments as well as to transpose from the Western concept of transposition, functions, methods. Here, four solo pieces are used as example to improve Chinese tradition Orchestra stave system and promote the quality of Chinese music education as well.
