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篇名 苗栗縣拓展桐花祭活動作法之研究 -創新理論之應用
卷期 98=12:1
並列篇名 Methods to expand the Hakka Tung Blossom Festival in Miaoli county: An application of innovation theory
作者 吳博滿陳偉之
頁次 337-361
關鍵字 桐花祭創新論服務創新深度訪談Hakka Tung Blossom Festivalinnovation theoryservice innovationin-depth interviewTHCI
出刊日期 201604


桐花祭為客家12大活動之一,亦為政府極力發展的重要文創產業。自2002年推展至今,雖 然成果豐碩,卻也存在一些亟需解決的問題。本文首先說明桐花祭活動的現況與問題,接著應用 Schumpeter (1934)的創新論與Den Hertog (2000)的服務創新理論設計問題,深度訪問9位 產、官、學界專家,探詢其對如何運用縣市文化單位或藝文中心以拓展桐花祭活動的看法。實證 結果如下:一、發展桐花祭為國際重要節慶活動,並擴展其在文化、環保意識與經濟上的貢獻。 二、增加主軸活動文化強度與延續性,且提升活動内容與產品的創意性。三、提升民眾體驗活動 感受的氛圍,並增進節慶活動的功能。四、善用該活動的時間優勢,創造更佳的績效。五、重視 桐花祭商品的經濟效益與藴含的客家文化。


The Hakka Tung Blossom Festival, originated in 2002, is one of the twelve major Hakka events, and is actively developed by the central government. While the Festival has gained fruitful achievements, there are some unresolved problems. This research first describes the current status and problems of the Festival. Based on Sumpeter's (1934) innovation theory and Den Hertog's (2000) service innovation theory, we devise five questions regarding the Festival and query nine experts about their propositions. The interview results can be summarized as follows: (1) develop the Tung Blossom Festival as an important international festival to further expand its contributions to cultural, environmental awareness, and economic development; (2) increase the intensity and continuity of the activities in the Tung Blossom Festival, and enhance the contents of activities and creativity of products; (3) improve people's personal experience in the Tung Blossom Festival activities, and advance the function of the activities; (4) utilize the timing advantage in conducting the Tung Blossom Festival to get better performance, and (5) emphasize the economic benefit in the products of Tung Blossom as well as the Hakka culture inherent in the products.
