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篇名 陰性美學:席慕蓉繪寫集的特質
卷期 98=12:1
並列篇名 Feminine Aesthetics: The Characteristics of Hsi,Mu-Jung?s Picturesque Writing
作者 周佩芳
頁次 363-384
關鍵字 席慕蓉陰性美學臺灣現代詩臺灣當代藝術書籍設計Hsi,Mu-JungFeminine AestheticTaiwan modern artTaiwan modern poetrybook designTHCI
出刊日期 201604


「陰性美學」是指「女性氣質」而非「女性身體」,展現了多元的美學意識型態。 畫家出身的席慕蓉,為臺灣文壇上重要的「繪寫」作家,其作品集多為繪畫與文字並呈的形 式,即「繪寫集」。本文將其繪寫集中的文學、繪畫與書籍設計之特質抽繹出共同性:在形式方 面為複沓绵密,在主題方面為以花做為關注愛情與青春的意象,表達溫柔敦厚的情感類型。在書 籍設計方面,席書在諸多細節都置放自己之畫作,成為視覺性強及唯美風格濃郁的繪寫集。 這些共同特質,流露出柔情密意的「陰性美學」。在美學思潮更迭之今日,應以此重評席氏 之作。


Hsi,Mu-Jung is a remarkable writer who is characterized by picturesque writing in Taiwanese literature. Her works are mostly presented by both writings and drawings, which is defined as “picturesque writing” here. This article argues that reading of the “picturesque writing” is not restricted to the text, should pay attention to the accompanying pictures, and implications of the book design. Here we characterize the common properties of Hsi's writings and drawings in her picturesque writing: repetitive and dense style in the format, and taking flowers for the image of the love and the youth as the main theme. Additionally, either the text or the drawing “expresses the feeling itself^' for a combination of the both. In regard to the book design, Hsi's works demonstrate many details in the drawings, conferring her picturesque writing a strong visual expression. These common characteristics in Hsi's picturesque writings illustrate the tenderness and thickness of "feminine beauty", reflecting the Hsi's aesthetics.
