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篇名 傾度監測組件受邊坡環境溫度之量測變異性探討
卷期 11:3
並列篇名 Experimental Study on Variation of Tilt Monitoring Devices due to Slope Ambient Temperature
作者 楊凱鈞張達德
頁次 181-189
關鍵字 邊坡穩定監測傾度環境溫度微機電系統slope stability monitoringtiltenvironmental temperatureMEMS
出刊日期 201607


過去現地案例的監測經驗,任何土建結構包括邊坡、橋梁等的監測儀器,監測數值皆會受環境變異而有所影響。本研究主要是探討MEMS (Micro Electro Mechanical Systems) 0.1°傾度計應用於邊坡高低溫度的環境條件下,傾度數值的 變異性。研究成果證明使用新複合材料一綠寶進行儀器固定架的包覆與安裝,取代傳統使用螺絲螺帽的方式,確實可以避免會受高低環境溫度,造成傾度數值 有變異的現象發生。本研究成果能夠提供即時、準確、有效以及簡單的管理機制,作為相關管理單位對於邊坡穩定監測的參考依據。


From the previous monitoring experiences, values of any civil structure monitoring devices, including slope and bridges, will be affected by environmental variation. This experimental study will focus on the variation of MEMS (Micro Electro Mechanical Systems) 0.1° tilt meter due to slope ambient temperature. The research employs new compound material — Greenpower to enclose and install devices, replacing the traditional fixing method (i.e. using bolts and nuts). The new compound material decreases the effect of temperature changing which causes instability of fix-end components. The results of this study shows that MEMS 0.1° tilt meter can provide the real time, accurate, effective and simple management mechanism to the management units. In addition, the results of this study can be regarded as a reference for slope monitoring.
