
東吳哲學學報 THCI

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篇名 西田幾多郎論善與宗教
卷期 34
並列篇名 Nishida Kitaro on Good and Religion
作者 黃文宏
頁次 001-030
關鍵字 西田幾多郎宗教哲學倫理學絕對無人格Nishida KitaroPhilosophy of ReligionEthicsAbsolute NothingnessPersonTHCI
出刊日期 201608




The paper aims at clarifying the meanings of the relationship between ethics and religion in Nishida’s philosophy. It is divided into five sections. After a brief introduction to the leading question of my paper (section one), I try to explicate the problematic of Nishida’s ethics in his A Study of Good (1911), which focuses on the realization of the personal good (section two). The meaning of Nishida’s “energetism” will be explicated. Then (section three) I discuss Nishida’s solution of the realization of personal good in his “The Intelligible World” (1928). Here I expound Nishida’s ontology of basho, which involves a progressive enclosure of noema in noesis, and transcends lastly the noesis itself to the basho of absolute nothingness. And then, in section four, I discuss Nishida’s distinction between ethics and religion according to his last writing “The Logic of Basho and the Religious Worldview” (1945). Finally in the last section (section five) I conclude Nishida’s insight into the nature of personal good and religion. Nishida’s philosophy is basically religious in character, which advocates a radical transformation of the individual by way of self-negating. It, according to my observation, can be deemed as a seeking of the real ground of morality.
