
臺灣人類學刊 ScopusTSSCI

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篇名 The Resilient Landscape: Fijian Village Gardens in the Age of Commercial Agriculture
卷期 14:1
並列篇名 韌性地景:商業性農業時代下的斐濟村落農田
作者 林浩立
頁次 113-148
關鍵字 Fijilandscapecommercial agricultureland tenurewalking and seeing斐濟地景商業性農業走動與觀看土地制度ScopusTSSCI
出刊日期 201606




Commercial agriculture in the Pacific has typically resulted in increased monoculture, reliance on purchased food, and environmental degradation. This is particularly the case on Taveuni Island, Fiji, a wellknown hotspot for commercial taro enterprises. Using ethnographic data on the agricultural landscape in an indigenous Fijian community there, I demonstrate how the community maintains a degree of crop diversity and flexible land-use arrangements despite the sweeping effects of exportbased farming practices. The capacity for diversity and flexibility, I argue, is sustained in a landscape consisting of hilly terrain with fragmented gardens, which enables the community to respond resiliently to the disciplining influence of commercial agriculture, even while engaging in many of its practices. I also point out that the everyday acts of walking and seeing in the rugged landscape are neglected aspects of farming that allow the villagers to maintain a profound connection to an environment filled with meaning, memories, and a sense of time. This agricultural landscape is forever a complex social space, rather than a place defined solely by commercial productivity. The results of this study show how resilience may be cultivated in indigenous agricultural systems even given the impact of globalization.
