
中正漢學研究 THCI

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篇名 談「囿」(韘)
卷期 27
並列篇名 On “囿” (She)
作者 張宇衛
頁次 027-054
關鍵字 佐助收斂SheassistancerestraintTHCI
出刊日期 201606


「囿」字,文獻典籍未見使用,過去學者僅能借《說文》字義解釋予以論說,囿於材料限制,難以做出合理判讀。今人得楚簡出土之惠,能見「囿」於楚簡用法,據學者研究 遣策中「囿」實為「韘」,即射箭戴在手指上的皮套,本文進一步引用卜辭「(韘)」證明此 說可信,且梳理出(韘)、(囿)兩條演變路線,釐 析楚簡「囿」具有二音義的來源。並針對《詩經・大雅・既醉》:「朋友攸攝,攝以威儀」 之故訓「佐助」義進行檢討,提出〈既醉〉「攝」本字應為「囿」,蓋由手套概念的動詞化,形成收斂義,故引伸有斂整、整飭。


The word “囿” (She) has never been adopted in classics and other literature. Previously, scholars could discuss the word only by resting upon the explanation offered by Shuowen Jiezi, and it was quite difficult to make plausible interpretations on this word due to the limitations on available references. The newly unearthed Chu Slips indicated the usage of “囿”, and therefore serve as a great boon to scholars nowadays who are interested in this topic. By reference to the Chu Slips that recorded the mortuary objects in coffin chambers, some scholars argued that “囿”is interchangeable with “韘” (She), namely the leather-made finger tab for archery. This article further proved this argument as cogent by referring to the word “囿”in oracle inscriptions. In addition, this article charted two paths of character transition, that is, “囿” (She) and “ 、─ ─ ” (You), thereby indicating that the word “囿” in Chu Slips was derived from the two paths of transition. Moreover, by re-examining the meaning of “assistance” implied by the verse that “your friends assist at the service, having done their part with reverent demeanor” in Chapter Ji Zuei, the part of Major Court Hymns, Classic of Poetry, this article argues that the original character of “攝” (She) in the verse should be “囿”, a verbalized concept of gloves that carries the meaning of “restraint”and therefore can be extended to imply “rectification.”
