
中正漢學研究 THCI

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篇名 日本崎門朱子學的「智藏」論探析
卷期 27
並列篇名 Kimon School’s Chizo Theory
作者 藤井倫明
頁次 191-210
關鍵字 朱子智藏收藏生意山崎闇齋學派Zhu Xichizoto storethe willing to produceAnsai SchoolTHCI
出刊日期 201606




This article explores the structure and background thought of Kimon School’s chizo 智藏(“store of wisdom”) theory through Miyake Shosai’s Chizosetsu 智藏說and the discussion of chizo that discussed by Kimon School’s scholars in it. Chizo was one of the viewpoint that created by Zhu Xi in his old age. In Japan, Kimon School, that the founder was Yamasaki Ansai saw chizo as a point of Zhu Xi’s thought and discussed ardently on it. Therefore we can think that the mist outstanding feature of Kimon School is to receive and develop the viewpoint of chizo. The discussions on chizo were assembled by Miyake Shosai’s Chizosetsu and we can comprehensively understand Kimon School’s view to chizo through this Chizosetsu.
